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Never underestimate the human spirit

I came across this video on Facebook this morning. Like most people I have become desensitised to many of the things shared on social media and scroll past them. This post however caught my eye because the message resonates with me so strongly.

If you watch the video you will see a mother who fought cancer long enough to see her youngest daughter graduate high school, only to go unconscious immediately after the ceremony and pass away some hours later without regaining consciousness.

As a medium I have connected with countless souls over the years who speak of holding on, or waiting for someone to come and see them, or waiting for a particular event to pass before they leave us. Many of these people have not been expected to make it but with sheer willpower and determination they have defeated the odds and the expectations of medical staff.

On watching this video I thought immediately of a friend of mine who passed away following a brain haemorrhage two years ago. After the initial bleed she stabilised somewhat only to have a further bleed 36 hours later. She however hung on until her brother arrived from overseas to see her before she left us completely.

We are always being warned to be careful of what we say to people when they are in a "coma" as they may be able to hear us. I can confirm that this is indeed true as many people deemed to be in an unconscious state come back from the spirit world to tell us what has been said to them or what has taken place around them before they pass over. I have even connected with people in medium readings who are still considered to be alive in a coma state in hospital, as during this time they may be wandering between both worlds and deciding what is best for them.

Love knows no boundaries, restrictions or rules, we simply love and do what we can for our soul group whether in this life or in the next.


Sandie xXx

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